Welcome to Lockleys Dental Clinic a family Dental practice.
Lockleys Dental Clinic is a highly personable dental practice offering a comprehensive range of services in a friendly, relaxed environment. Our practice philosophy is to cater to each patients individual treatment needs – we tailor your treatment for you.

We use only the best materials and we are infection control accredited. We taylor our treatment plans to meet each persons individual needs and we aim at all times to provide high quality dental care in a safe, caring and friendly environment.


Lockleys Dental Clinic provides a wide range of professional dental services in three areas: General dentistry, Preventative Denistry and Maintenance.

General dentistry:
-Fillings (silver and white fillings)
-Veneers (resin and porcelain)
-Crowns and Bridges
-Tooth whitening

Preventative dentistry:
-Oral health education and advice
-Fluoride treatments
-Fissure sealants
-Tooth cleaning (scaling) and polishing

Recalls/reminders – we believe that regular check ups are important,for this reason we send our patients reminders when they are due for their dental examinations.The frequency of each patients dental examination is determined on an individual basis and the focus is to help each patient maintain a healthy,functioning mouth.

Emergency Treatments
We will attend to your main concern on your first visit if that is your primary concern. We ask that you mention this when making your appointment.

We refer to a wide range of caring specialists to look after you and your dental needs.

Clinic Hours

Our practice works on an appointment only basis at a time convenient to you. Our practice hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm with later appointments available on Tuesday evenings. We also have an appointment set aside every day to provide emergency assistance to our patients should they need it.

Contact Lockleys Dental Clinic
We’d be happy to hear from you!

Contact Us
08 8443 7634
392 Henley Beach Road
Lockleys SA 5032
